Afr. J. Parasitol. Mycol. Entomol. 2023, 1(1), 7; doi:10.35995/ajpme1010007
Finally, the First Issue and Promising Perspectives
Professor of parasitology and mycology at Cotonou University, President of the African Society of Parasitology and Mycology, Cotonou, Benin;
Professor of parasitology and mycology at Félix Houphouët Boigny University, Vice President of the African Society of Parasitology and Mycology, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
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How to cite: Kindé-Gazard, D.; Menan, H. Finally, the First Issue and Promising Perspectives. Afr. J. Parasitol. Mycol. Entomol., 2023, 1(1): 7; doi:10.35995/ajpme1010007.
Received: 24 May 2023 / Accepted: 13 June 2023 / Published: 12 July 2023
African Society of Parasitology (SoAP); African Journal of Parasitology; Mycology and Entomology (AJPME); platform for the exchange; parasitologists; mycologists; entomologists; epidemiologists; and infectiologistsSince its establishment in 1980 as the West African Society of Parasitology (SOAP) and its later change into the African Society of Parasitology (SoAP) in 2014, the founding members of said society have conceived and planned the establishment of the African Journal of Mycology Parasitology and of Entomology. The implementation of the project was entrusted to the late Professor Ogobara K. Doumbo, who laid the initial foundation for the creation of the journal by setting up an implementation committee. It was therefore natural that after Prof. Doumbo’s untimely death that one of his most accomplished students, Professor Djimdé Abdoulaye, took over the implementation of the project. Thanks to the dynamism of the scientific committee and the editorial board, as well as the contribution of the SoAP and that of all the national SoAP chapters, the first issue of the African Journal of Parasitology, Mycology and Entomology (AJPME) is published this month (June 2023).
The objective of this biannual online and open access international journal with an editorial committee is to contribute to the dissemination of the scientific work of the SoAP members, African researchers, and those of other continents in the disciplines of interest of the SoAP, namely parasitology, mycology, entomology, malacology, and herpetology, as well as related specialties. Its field covers pathogen and vector biology, host–parasite relationships, mechanisms of pathogenicity, clinical studies, clinical trials, vaccinology, envenomation, epidemiology, public health, development of new diagnostic tools, development and implementation studies, applied research, technological innovations in disciplines such as mathematical modelling, disease ecology, social sciences, climate change, taxonomy of pests and vectors, genetics and genomics of hosts, parasites, and vectors, biochemistry, immunology, research on plants and traditional medicines, etc.
The AJPME is not just another scientific journal. It is an accessible and useful platform for the exchange of quality scientific information and advances in the thematic areas for researchers, healthcare actors, and specialists such as parasitologists, mycologists, entomologists, epidemiologists, and infectiologists from all continents who will now be able to submit their articles in English and also French, thanks to the translation assistance provided by this journal, a journal which respects the rules in terms of publishing international journals.
The challenges of controlling parasitic, fungal, and other vector-borne diseases are many and diverse. Sharing research results and exchanging knowledge constitute valuable assets in this fight. Thus, all parasitology, mycology, and entomology teams are encouraged to use the AJPME distribution channel to disseminate information, ensure the high visibility of their scientific work, and improve the sharing of knowledge and experience between African and international scientists.
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